Thursday, February 21, 2008

Obama, End Times & the Apocalypse

I'm afraid. When I let myself think about all of the frightening things that can happen in this country if the wrong person is elected president, I become very afraid. My own personal challenge is to allow myself to turn off the fear and lean on faith in the Lord. That is easier said than done.

This week Barack Hussein Obama took the lead in the race for the democratic nominee. Obama is charismatic and an engaging speaker, so was Jim Jones. He has been a life long community activist with little or no experience that would qualify him to run the most powerful country on Earth. And this week, his wife, the woman who would be our first lady said for the second time on the campaign trail that she has never been proud of her country. Only now that her husband is in the lead is she proud to be an American. I have heard both of her comments. Let me quote her on the latest one;

Michelle Obama said "Let me tell you something, I have never in my adult life been proud of my country until now." Her sentiments are supported by her husband - the would-be president of the United States of America. Is this the kind of family we want in the White House, people who are not proud of their country?

Yes it's true that he also has a brother who is a radical Muslim who supports Sharia Law - a system of Muslim laws that include the right to murder your wife, daughter or sister is she does not comply with the law. And although some rags state that Barack plans to enforce Sharia Law if elected president, I don't know that I agree with that. However it is common knowledge that his brother would support that.

I think the bigger problem is in trusting a president with strong Muslim ties to choose us, his country (which he has not been proud of) over his family and religious ties in the War on Terror.
In fact he says he will instantly pull everyone out of Iraq. He isn't willing to be in a war against his family members.

So I'm afraid. I'm afraid that, this being the end times, we are in for a world of changes. I'm afraid that we are about to see a plethora of ancient and modern prophecies being fulfilled. And I fear for my family, my church family and our way of life.

But we all knew it would eventually come to this didn't we. President Hinkley regularly told us to be of good cheer. He told us that the fulfillment of prophecy was a good thing, that we need to be spiritually and physically prepared to deal with it. He often told us the importance of strengthening our families, our children and our homes so that we could stay close to the Lord during trying times.

So if I have faith in the Lord, if I am doing all that I can to live worthily, I should be able to replace my fears with faith. I know that one cannot live both in fear and faith at the same time, so I must choose which state of mind I will give my power to. The best thing I can do is to study the council of the prophets and to make all of the changes they have asked us to make.

Instead of worrying about how awful things might get, I need to make sure I and my family are prepared to endure whatever comes. I need to get my affairs in order, financially, spiritually and physically. That includes doing everything I can to strengthen my testimony. Because whatever happens, in the end, it is my testimony that will carry me through.

So, regardless of who is elected president, God knows how to take care of us. He knows what needs to happen in order for Jesus Christ to return to the Earth. He knows when each of us will return to him. And in the eternities, our little stay here on Earth will seem very far away. There will be joy in having our family with us for all eternity in the Celestial Kingdom. And that is nothing to fear.


Anonymous said...

Maybe Mitt Romney will run as vice pres to McCain and will eventually become president himself. Maybe the govt. is already hanging by a thread and God will save us now.

Whatever, we need to pray for the best result.

Anonymous said...

Ms. Daugherty, I'm sure I share many of your religious views, as we belong to the same church. But linking Mr. Obama and Jim Jones and Sharia Law and the Apocalypse is an extremely fanatical thing to do. I very much hope he wins, and he should have no problem proving he is not a Sharia-abiding suicidal terrorist.

Karen Dougherty said...


I have many family members who, like you, are also Obama supporters. I am not. But I feel grateful that we all have been given our agency and are not directed by the church to vote one way or another. Isn't it wonderful that we live in a country where we are allowed to voice our opinions whatever they may be - and still accept each other with open arms? Thanks for your comment.

Anonymous said...

Those very freedoms the previous person stated are the very freedooms that we, as a country will be persuaded to give up under the "for the good of the world" platform. Once we give up our identity as a nation we are done for. It is not a coincidence that our next possible president does not care about the American Identity and individual freedoms but rather can convince massive crowds that the good of the world is at stake. It is within that global world order that the end will come. A few years ago I never thought it possible that someone could come on the scene that could possibly persuade Americans to give up their freedoms and identity but Obama is just the man for the job. I dont believe he is the antichrist but my heart says he will shake hands with the one who is. Those with ears will hear and understand but those with hard hearts will be clueless to the big picture and the scary times ahead. The clock of Revelation is speeding up and if you are not diligently seeking the truth of Jesus Christ as lord and saviour you will be decieved and then the end will come and many will perish!My heart is heavy, I know what must take place before the return of Christ. I am anxious to see my Holy Father but not sure how bad things will get before he rescues us. I pray that anyone who reads this searches their heart and discovers the truth, we must all make that choice for ourselves. The choice to believe Jesus was sent as God made flesh and died on the cross for payment for our sins and assended into heaven. It is no coincidence that I happened upon this the week we celebrate the reserection of Jesus. I have been seeking spiritual wisdom lately and the answer keeps comeing back as time, God's timing, and lack of time to come to the Lord. Rejoyce and be glad our saviour is coming. Things are falling together at a rapid pace. Keep your eyes on the times and be diligent in decerning the signs. God bless and may you have a wonderful Easter!

Anonymous said...

Those who lift up other men in times of crisis will be lifted up.
Those who put other men down in times of crisis will be put down.

Anonymous said...

I am not LDS, but came to this site with the simple search combination of Obama, End of Days. I am very much in agreement with the blog author that we are in the End Times and that Obama may very well be the Antichrist, though I do not agree with his perception of Biblical theory that the Antichrist will be "one of many," though anything is possible. There is much wickedness in the world...
This man is a deceiver as he is "everyone and no-one." He came from where? He states he is a Christian, yet hangs with those who preach hate. He stands as a man, and yet some question his masculinity. He poses as a patriotic leader to be in our country, yet has Muslim affiliations. He is bi-racial, though he identifies himself as "black." He preaches unity and decisions made by the people, yet his wife states he "will insist and demand" that we follow his leadership. He presents as being on board with American philosophies, yet is willing to talk to those who want the people of Israel dead, personally, face to face discussions no less... He is a great oratory, yet is a proverbial "thief and magpie," quoting the words of historical leaders such as Dr. Martin Luther King and President Kennedy. He offers change, but does not define its inception or path.

He began to frighten me when I realized his speeches were in the nature of Adolf Hitler - presented to the people in a time of desperacy and economic malady, preaching salvation from their sorrows, crosses, and despair, yet not stating the intended plan. He has a closeted, potential hatred of some people that he denies, not unlike Hitler's subtle then blatant desire to eradicate a certain subset of God's people. He is like the Pied Piper; his feel good speeches leading the desperate to believe in his ballad, questioning not its intent nor its subliminal messages. He is a murderer of the unborn - on board with abortion and willing to bring back the infanticide practice of Partial Birth Abortion. He states he is a man of principal, yet is a politician. He is evil - straight up.
There is nothing we can really do, you realize - what is God's will is a "what will be, will be" scenario. We are along for the ride, be it what it may. You are right to state that it is a time to strengthen our beliefs, ask forgiveness for our sins, teach our children well the ways of the Lord and pray for our salvation. We should be doing this anyway, of course.
The End Times are indeed afoot - we have a "perfect storm" scenario brewing with the need for fuel, need for food, focus on self-centeredness in many nations, incapability to unite the two distinct separations of people globally from religious affiliations/descent, with the turmoil we are facing with global warming and natural disasters, overpopulation, disrespect for the unborn and all of God's creatures, great and small. It is very sad and yet part of the path to reuniting with our Maker. This is a blessing for those who see it coming and heed His Word. Be not afraid. It is a time of celebration, though we too may suffer, not unlike the Jews during the Holocaust, who died too for what they believed in. Those who self-compromised and killed their own kind probably felt like they died a million deaths. It would be better to die a martyr. Fear not. You only die once, I think. But in His Kingdom, we are told we will live forever. I am not afraid. I am just amazed at the stupidity of the masses to follow this evil entity to their destruction. It is sad that those who are "well-off and educated" are at times so convinced that they are self-made and self-sufficient, that they cease to listen to the whisperings and commands, of He who loves them most. Pray for us all, please. LE

Anonymous said...

I am not LDS, but came to this site with the simple search combination of Obama, End of Days. I am very much in agreement with the blog author that we are in the End Times and that Obama may very well be the Antichrist, though I do not agree with his perception of Biblical theory that the Antichrist will be "one of many," though anything is possible. There is much wickedness in the world...
This man is a deceiver as he is "everyone and no-one." He came from where? He states he is a Christian, yet hangs with those who preach hate. He stands as a man, and yet some question his masculinity. He poses as a patriotic leader to be in our country, yet has Muslim affiliations. He is bi-racial, though he identifies himself as "black." He preaches unity and decisions made by the people, yet his wife states he "will insist and demand" that we follow his leadership. He presents as being on board with American philosophies, yet is willing to talk to those who want the people of Israel dead, personally, face to face discussions no less... He is a great oratory, yet is a proverbial "thief and magpie," quoting the words of historical leaders such as Dr. Martin Luther King and President Kennedy. He offers change, but does not define its inception or path.

He began to frighten me when I realized his speeches were in the nature of Adolf Hitler - presented to the people in a time of desperacy and economic malady, preaching salvation from their sorrows, crosses, and despair, yet not stating the intended plan. He has a closeted, potential hatred of some people that he denies, not unlike Hitler's subtle then blatant desire to eradicate a certain subset of God's people. He is like the Pied Piper; his feel good speeches leading the desperate to believe in his ballad, questioning not its intent nor its subliminal messages. He is a murderer of the unborn - on board with abortion and willing to bring back the infanticide practice of Partial Birth Abortion. He states he is a man of principal, yet is a politician. He is evil - straight up.
There is nothing we can really do, you realize - what is God's will is a "what will be, will be" scenario. We are along for the ride, be it what it may. You are right to state that it is a time to strengthen our beliefs, ask forgiveness for our sins, teach our children well the ways of the Lord and pray for our salvation. We should be doing this anyway, of course.
The End Times are indeed afoot - we have a "perfect storm" scenario brewing with the need for fuel, need for food, focus on self-centeredness in many nations, incapability to unite the two distinct separations of people globally from religious affiliations/descent, with the turmoil we are facing with global warming and natural disasters, overpopulation, disrespect for the unborn and all of God's creatures, great and small. It is very sad and yet part of the path to reuniting with our Maker. This is a blessing for those who see it coming and heed His Word. Be not afraid. It is a time of celebration, though we too may suffer, not unlike the Jews during the Holocaust, who died too for what they believed in. Those who self-compromised and killed their own kind probably felt like they died a million deaths. It would be better to die a martyr. Fear not. You only die once, I think. But in His Kingdom, we are told we will live forever. I am not afraid. I am just amazed at the stupidity of the masses to follow this evil entity to their destruction. It is sad that those who are "well-off and educated" are at times so convinced that they are self-made and self-sufficient, that they cease to listen to the whisperings and commands, of He who loves them most. Pray for us all, please. LE

Anonymous said...

O K i can not, for the life of me, understand how someone says they have the same faith as a christian and support Obama. His view on abortion alone is chilling. I challnge you to try and understand this man.

Anon ~ RT said...

I too, happened by this blog searching for news of "end times" and "Obama". It seems to have been a personal quest of mine to reveal the Antichrist in our times. Yes, I am foolish enough to think that I am that special. In order to follow this revelation properly we must look to the perfection of truth and wisdom He has prophsized directly from the Bible. The Antichrist will be;
-Descendent of the Rome
-He makes a seven-year peace agreement with Israel.
-He will be a friend to Israel.
-He will be a military/political leader of a powerful nation.
-He will persecutes the saints
-His identity is concealed till the time of its revelation
-He is defeated by Christ at His return
-He is incarnated by Satan at the Midpoint
-He is killed and brought back to life
-After his incarnation the Great tribulation follows for 3.5 years
-He is pompous and boastful
-He is of Christian or Jewish Background
- He enters the Jewish Temple and proclaims himself God.
-He sets an image of himself in the Temple
-He demands to be worshipped as God
-He has a false prophet who proclaims his glory
-The false prophet performs signs and wonders to deceive those on the Earth
-He is worshipped by those destined for destruction
-He and the false prophet are the first occupants of the Lake of Fire
-He unites the nations of the world
-The kingdom will be a collection of diverse people
-The kingdom will be a military superpower
-The kingdom will impose its religion on the world
-The kingdom will use economy to subdue the earth
-The kingdom will be combination of 10 kingdoms
-The kingdom’s power will come from Satan
-The kingdom will attack Jerusalem at the middle of the week
-The kingdom’s capital is destroyed before Armageddon
-The kingdom’s army is destroyed at Armageddon
-The kingdom’s capital will be a world capital, Babylon II
-The 144,000
-Victors over the Beast are in Heaven
-Wedding of the Lamb
-Wedding Supper of he Lamb
-Christ returns with Church

What I do know for sure is that we can continue to believe that according to scripture,"No man knows the day or the hour." 2 Peter 3:10 - "The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night." What is more important than trying to figure out the impossible by and man , woman or child is that it will all come to pass and we all need to be ready in our hearts for that day. Romans 14:10-12 - We shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess. Every one of us shall give account of himself to God.

Anonymous said...

I too, happened by this blog searching for news of "end times" and "Obama". It seems to have been a personal quest of mine to reveal the Antichrist in our times. Yes, I am foolish enough to think that I am that special. In order to follow this revelation properly we must look to the perfection of truth and wisdom He has prophsized directly from the Bible. The Antichrist will be;
-Descendent of the Rome -He makes a seven-year peace agreement with Israel.
-He will be a friend to Israel.
-He will be a military/political leader of a powerful nation. -He will persecutes the saints
-His identity is concealed till the time of its revelation -He is defeated by Christ at His return -He is incarnated by Satan at the Midpoint -He is killed and brought back to life - After his incarnation the Great tribulation follows for 3.5 years -He is pompous and boastful - -He is of Christian or Jewish Background - He enters the Jewish Temple and proclaims himself God. -He sets an image of himself in the Temple -He demands to be worshipped as God -He has a false prophet who proclaims his glory -The false prophet performs signs and wonders to deceive those on the Earth -He is worshipped by those destined for destruction -He and the false prophet are the first occupants of the Lake of Fire -He unites the nations of the world -The kingdom will be a collection of diverse people -The kingdom will be a military superpower -The kingdom will impose its religion on the world -The kingdom will use economy to subdue the earth -The kingdom will be combination of 10 kingdoms -The kingdom’s power will come from Satan -The kingdom will attack Jerusalem at the middle of the week -The kingdom’s capital is destroyed before Armageddon -The kingdom’s army is destroyed at Armageddon
-The kingdom’s capital will be a world capital, Babylon II -Armageddon -The 144,000
-Victors over the Beast are in Heaven -Wedding of the Lamb -Wedding Supper of he Lamb -Christ returns with Church
What I do know for sure is that we can continue to believe that according to scripture,"No man knows the day or the hour." 2 Peter 3:10 - "The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night." What is more important than trying to figure out the impossible by and man woman or child is that it will all come to pass and we all need to be ready in our hearts for that day. Romans 14:10-12 - We shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess. Every one of us shall give account of himself to God.

Anonymous said...

Obama's speech last night moved me. In fact, I've never been so moved by a candidate in my 20 years of voting. Rather than the anti Christ, I think Obama is one of the most Christlike politicians out there. I believe he does "get it" and wants to reach out to Americans who suffer. I couldn't help
thinking that his message resonates with what I learn through the gospel that I am my sister's/brother's keeper, that the government
should support those who need a hand and that everyone also has personal responsibility, that the richest corporations in America do not need tax breaks, that the earth is precious, has a spirit, and
should be cared for responsibly by looking for alternative energy and rewarding innovation, that listening to those on all sides of an issue
is respectful and important.

I love this line from his speech:
In our country, I have found that this cooperation happens not because we agree on everything, but because behind all the labels and false
divisions and categories that define us; beyond all the petty bickering and point-scoring in Washington, Americans are a decent, generous, compassionate people, united by common challenges and common
hopes. And every so often, there are moments which call on that fundamental goodness to make this country great again.

GO Obama and can we all be more Christlike and respectful like he is.

Anonymous said...

I was born and raised with these fear and guilt driven beliefs of the author. It is too bad that the fear of "the end" has driven so many of us out of the organization. I wish more individuals would begin to see the world as a beautiful abundant environment instead of a fearful "latter day" world.

Anonymous said...

Nobody who is for abortions, is a Christian. To say that Obama is "one of the most Christlike politicians out there", is a blatantly blasphemous statement. One that could only be made by a person who has fallen under the influence of a false prophet.

Anonymous said...

Obama's strong pro-abortion position alone will require true Christians everywhere to vote against him. Abortion cannot continue in this country without the weight of God's judgments to soon fall upon it. Modern LDS prophets have spoken strongly against abortion I am sure. Do not affiliate yourself with such evil by vote. Do you affiliate with any individual whose teachings or practices are contrary to or oppose those accepted by The Church, do you sympathize with the precepts of any such group or individual?

Anonymous said...

I personally do not know who the antichrist is or will be. It seems as though this fulfilment of prophecy has been shaping up for decades throughout many presidential administrations. But I must say that our present administration has done more to bring about conditions where that world leader can step right in. The crisis with the world markets is the perfect set up for a world currency or the ID (chip/mark). In the USA, our present administration has already put in place that all citizens must have a "national ID". Within a few more years our national money systems (banks,etc) will be totally global.One of the bloggers listed the charateristics of the antichrist and where he would come from, the revived Roman Empire (Italy/Europe). I do not believe Obama or McCain for that matter is the antichrist. However, I do believe the next president will meet and be involved with the antichrist who is already on the international scene. I agree now is the time to watch as well as pray as this generation will probably be the generation to see all this unfold. If you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ you need to be working on one. Pray that we are found worthy in these last days when Jesus Christ comes for his bride(the Church).

Anonymous said...

Like others here, I’m not LDS either but share similar beliefs about Obama. He can not be the Anti-Christ because that man comes out of and will be the leader of the European Union not America. It says the Anti-Christ will have no need for women. Hence,,,,,he’s probably a homosexual and I believe he will not even try to hide it. Obama doesn’t strike me as being in the closet. Finally, the church will not know who the Anti-Christ is because they are removed before he is revealed so we should stop looking for that man. I believe Obama will shake the Anti-Christ’s hand. He’s evil through and through. I feel it when I hear him speak. I believe satan has shield of protection around him. Regardless of the crimes the news uncovers about him, nothing happens to him. He will not tell us what changes he will make but those idiots keep backing him. The most sickening part of this is that most blacks do not care what he stands for just so he wins. He could announce that he’s a secret Muslim and they still would vote for him. So called Christians don’t want to hear that he supports abortions. They are going to vote for him anyway. Time is almost up. Once he is sworn in, all hell could break loose. God said he would turn them over to a reprobate mind so they would believe a lie. Maybe he’s already done it.

Athana said...

OBAMA IS NOT A MUSLIM!!!! I don't know where you all are getting this nonsense, but it's just not true.

Obama is a Christian, always has been.

He is not the Anti-Christ.

Furthermore, did you know that every generation for the last 2000 years has thought that the end times were coming during their own lifetime? Like you, they were CERTAIN that they saw all the signs bright as neon, existing in their time period and in the country/area they lived in.

Remember: there are lots of guys who will tell you anything to get you to send them money, or so that you can help boost their own power in some way. And I'm not talking about Obama. I'm talking about certain Christian TV evangelists, and other Christian leaders who are doing everything they can these days to spread fear and division among us.

Does what a guy says make you fearful? Then he's probably trying to con you.

Use your heads! Why do you think God gave you brains!?!

Anonymous said...

Mr/Ms Athana,
I don't know whether Obama is a Muslim but for sure he is not a Christian. I found a article which quotes what Obama said in an interview. He said he is a Christian but his belief shows the contrary. Check this out.

The following is a summary supporting my argument that Obama's beliefs are different from what Christian believes:

First, according to the above article, Obama believes "there are many paths to the same place..."
This is not what Christian believes. Christian believes that there is only ONE path. That path is Jesus Christ.
Bible verse (John 14:6): "[Jesus is] the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through [HIM]."

Second: "Obama doesn't believe he, or anyone else, will go to hell. But he's not sure he'll be going to heaven, either." This is definitely not what Christian believes. Christian believes that there are only TWO endings. For those who believes in God and has accepted Jesus Christ as his own Savior will go to heaven because their names will appear in the book of life. For those who does not believe in God or has not accepted Jesus Christ as his own Savior will go to hell where they will be burned forever. There is nothing in between.
Bible verse (Revelation 20:11-15) The Dead Are Judged: Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it. Earth and sky fled from his presence, and there was no place for them. And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books. The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them, and each person was judged according to what he had done. Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death. If anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.

Third: Obama believes in "working salvation" meaning if you are a good person, then you will go to heaven. This is not what the bible says. If it is that easy, Jesus does not need to come here to save us. Jesus is the one who pays for our sins and no one can do that. We cannot save ourselves and only Jesus can. We do it by faith.
Bible verse (Romans 3:28) For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from observing the law.

As I remembered correctly, this interview was conducted in 2004. Ms/Mr athana, if you have something new to support your argument that Obama is a Christian, I look forward to reading it.

BTW, I hope it won't offend you if I say that I really hope you are not a Christian because if you are a Christian, I am very worrying about you because it is very hard to believe a Christian will believe that "Obama is a Christian, always has been" despite his beliefs show the contrary. If you really are a Christian, I suggest you to spend more time to read bible and establish a stronger relationship with God. If you are not a Christian, then you don't know what you are talking about and you don't know what we are dealing with (something very serious).

Finally, my dear brothers and sisters, don't be fearful because we know who we believe. God is Almighty and HE loves us. May HIS will be done. Please pray for those who haven't believed in Jesus Christ yet and spread the gospel because the end of time is getting closer. We all know where we are going to but many people in this world have not been saved yet. Do what God asks us to do and have faith in HIM. May God be with you and bless you all.

Anonymous said...

I can understand some of the comments on this blog, but unfortunately with most of you I have to disagree. I may be chastised for what I have to say but I am not fearful of the conservative backlash. We spend so much time waiting for biblical prophecies to become evident. It is said the HE will come like a thief in the night. We can always transmogrify the words of the Bible to assimilate into numerous examples of our everyday lives, but that does not mean that we should. The truth is NO ONE will know when the Apocalypse is coming. I am saddened that because Barack is a gentelman of substance and class and not a boob, as the incumbent leader of the free world, he is the forthcoming of the possible Apocalypse. I wonder if the same remarks and gainsaying attitude were said about John F. Kennedy when he was starting to appeal to the masses. I guess charisma, intelligence, and a willingness to understand the world around us is an unfortunate evil in today's world. In addition, for those who are wondering, Obama is not Muslim. In addition, being Muslim is NOT the same as being a radical Muslim. The Muslim faith is a peaceful religion. For us to compare the extremists that bombed us on September 11 to all Muslims is a deterrence from the truth. This would be like not knowing much about Christianity and then having your Muslim family gunned down by “Christian soldiers” because you all were thought to be radical insurgents. At this point your ideas about ALL Americans would be of hate. I love America, but we need to stop generalizing everything and realize that these extreme thoughts are the originators of our own internal problems.
In closing, do not be so rash in your decision making about the people who you may not know much about except what you read in the slanted media. If you want to be overtly religious about it, consider that God gave us free will to think for our self. Also, the Bible was written as a tool to live a better life and become closer to GOD. It is not meant as a way to delineate between the righteous and wicked; thereby, giving you or whomever the authority to pose judgment upon others. God said, "vengeance is mine." Writing these words does not make me more or less of a Christian it makes me human. We need to stop swaying the teachings of the Bible to benefit our own personal beliefs.
"Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone."

Anonymous said...

Wow. religious intolerance rears it's head yet again. Your saviour must be so proud. It only serves to reinforce my belief, that religion remains the most evil creation of man.


Anonymous said...

As far as you believing that he is not a Muslim and that he is a Christian,,,,I'll let to live in that world of denial.
Furthermore, I do know that every generation for the last 2000 years have believed that Christ would return in their generation but there was one big reason why he couldn't. Jerusalem wasn't reborn as a nation!!!!! That happened in 1948. It's been sixty years and counting. He said the generation that witnessed that would not pass before he would return. You would have to be completely ignorant of the scriptures to not see all the signs. Signs that were never present until this generation. The forming of the EU is another huge sign. Remember, it's been 60 years and counting. The people of that generation are getting up in age. Plus, how much longer do you think he will tolerate the filth this nation puts out? Movies, music and tv, abortion, homosexuality, and porn. Our nation leads the world in run away sin and every day is a party. The hip hop music can't get any worse. They say everything satan puts in their minds and they laugh and show off how much money he's giving them to say it. Lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God. That's America.
As far as the tv evangelist, you have to pick them just as you do your home town ministers. Just because they have a camera pointed at them doesn't make them wicked. Some are truely Godly men and are telling the truth. You can hide your head in the sand and deny the signs all you want but it's coming soon and I believe you know it.
Turn from Obama while you can. God has given us enough information about him to warn us. Now it's up to us to turn him away.

Anonymous said...

A true Christian will not support abortion the way he does. Especially late term abortions.
A true Christian would not lie the way he does either. He’s a pathological liar. It appears that he’s not being completely honest about his birth records either. That may come out in the news soon. He also supports gay unions. So let’s check the facts. He really sounds like a Christian doesn’t he? And this is who so called Christians are supporting and voting for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And we wonder why God is angry with America.
God exposed all of this about Obama to America but Obama he had to do was to make promises about giving money to certain groups of people and the fake Christians caved in. Didn’t anyone learn the lesson of the rich man in the Bible? Some people will sell their soul to Obama/Satan. Obama is evil.

Anonymous said...

America drank the Obama koolaid...

Anonymous said...

Well said Florence !!!

I agree that Obama's beliefs contradict that of a true Christian. Jesus said: "I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE. No man comes unto the FATHER except through me." ALL non-christians will NOT see the kingdom of heaven. You need to be reborn.

One cannot say that OBAMA is the Anti-Christ, but all I can say is that be careful for FALSE TEACHINGS of faith. Be strong in your Christian faith and seek HIS wisdom every day. With HIS wisdom alone, we can know what is right and wrong.

The bible also says that the Anti-Christ will come in sheeps clothing, have a lot of followers, and have a huge drive for world peace. What worries me, is Obama's drive the merge Faith and Politics. Right in the Pope's alley !!!

Anonymous said...

I belive Obama is antichrist. Soner or later he will come and he will be like this man that now is president of USA. Satan have ,I think,under the last presidents prepared for people to want a change and now is the time for the great leader to come. I am from Sweden and here about 95% of the people want him as a leader also. I think world is prepared by evil deads to long for this man. Global warming and Global economy is also something that prepare for his taking over not only USA but the whold world. He also want to unite all religions( nautralise them is a better word) I heard a swedish minister for a year ago say that he wished there was a strong leader in world that could take care of this problems. Everyone is scared about jobs, economy and a global warming that is also said to be manmade but are they manmade? I think it is satan that is preparing for the great battle against good people and he uses powerful people on earth to prepare for all this. It all started the 11 sept where will it end. There is no doubt that we need to change and that is to come closer to God, to listen to our profets.

Anonymous said...

Reading most of your comments makes me very proud to say I am not Christian, but Buddhist. For if Christianity is composed of the words, the hatred, the fear that you have all posted here, then it has lost all that Jesus was trying to teach. I'm sorry for you that you have perverted his teachings to this degree. I'm sorry for everyone that reads your comments and believes them. I'm sorry for those Christians who truly practice Christianity and get lumped in with you and your beliefs, for they do deserve better.

Anonymous said...

I feel the author of this is right. It is now after the election and I my heart weighs heavy for there is no hope in sight. The time has come and yes the anti-christ is near.The book of revalations is fulfilling itself and we all should take head as we go into the next few years. Keep God close and your family's it is only a matter of time before he will desend upon us and take the handfull in his flock. God Bless us all and may we all have the faith that we need in God and Jesus christ to make the right decisions and that we all need to follow God our savior and be humble to him.

Anonymous said...

I feel the author of this is right. It is now after the election and I my heart weighs heavy for there is no hope in sight. The time has come and yes the anti-christ is near.The book of revalations is fulfilling itself and we all should take head as we go into the next few years. Keep God close and your family's it is only a matter of time before he will desend upon us and take the handfull in his flock. God Bless us all and may we all have the faith that we need in God and Jesus christ to make the right decisions and that we all need to follow God our savior and be humble to him.

Anonymous said...

It is very sad to se how the constitution is not as it should be. What would make satan most happy if not to destroy it as well as put people to death or make them loose there freedom. I am afraid that the nwo will soon start. I belive Obama is antichrist. Soner or later he will come and he will be like this man that now is president of USA.Never before have a president of USA been so popular in hole world even in sweden Germany France China would embrace him as a leader. Satan have ,I think,under the last presidents prepared for people to want a change and now is the time for the great leader to come. I am from Sweden and here about 95% of the people want him as a leader also. I think world is prepared by evil deads to long for this man that come with "peace". Global warming and Global economy is also something that prepare for his taking over not only USA but the whole world. He also want to unite all religions( nautralise them is a better word) I heard a swedish minister for a year ago say that he wished there was a strong leader in world that could take care of this problem (Global warming). Everyone is scared about there jobs, economy and a global warming that is also said to be manmade but is it manmade? I think it is satan that is preparing for the great battle against good people and he uses powerful people on earth to prepare for all this. It all started the 11 sept where will it end? There is no doubt that we need to change and that is to come closer to God, to listen to our profets. All nations in world will be destroyed, just read the scriptures. USA was the coutry of freedom far better than sweden now it is the oposite. I honor the constitution because it was inspired by God, please american people fight for it. Remember a patriot follow the constitution not a leader that is led by satan. It is written that Satan has power over the earth now how can we think he have that if he dont have the leaders in his hand.

Anonymous said...

I stumbled on to this site, I'm upset, and angry.I feel we are in end times also. Alot of people do- they are just afraid to say it out loud, they will bring it up when they know you are not a supporter of this administration, and they see our rights and freedoms being trampled on. I can not for the life of me figure out how some Christians voted for him. I look at him and I see him for what he is and who he represents. I'm drawn to the bible daily, Looking for answers yet knowing in the end God is in control. People need to wake up-Just list some of the things in your mind about Obama, one or two would be enough to back away from him. The anti-christ or his helpers will not look like leppers, or horn creatures running around. He is making promises to people selling their souls for a piece of the pie. A supporter of late-term abortion should of been enough for many Christians, it was not. He actually stood on the state floor and said to have medical aid administered to a child that survived a botched abortion was interfearing with the mothers right to choice-That should make every person cringe. If that's not evil, I'm not sure what is.May God have mercy on us all.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I just happened upon this blog and there are a lot of things said and predictions made that I haven't followed as closely as everyone else appears too have --- partly because we don't have TV. I can say that I didn't vote for Obama and things I hear about him scare me. I can say I am against abortion. I adopted my children and am grateful their birth mother choose life and found my husband and me. But I am posting to say one thing, I AM FOR AGENCY!